Get Tested

Fit for Duty Program
Do you think you have a sleep disorder?
Our Fit for Duty Program allows us to test your sleep, diagnose your disorder, and offer solutions.
Stage One - Let’s Get Started
We start our program by providing a simple home-based overnight sleep test and health assessment.

Our test is simple to set up and measures the level of oxygen in the blood, nasal airflow, and occurrence of obstructed breathing while sleeping.
The test will identify those who have a moderate-high profile of obstructive sleep apnea and would meet the criteria for a CPAP trial.
Left untreated, these are the employees who present your immediate, and ongoing risk to your business.
Our process will quickly identify and then provide a specific treatment plan for the individual so that they can arrive at work Fit for Duty
Stage Two - What Are The Next Steps For Me?
After reviewing the sleep data, our Sleep Physiologist will determine what the best pathway for each individual will be. The employer and the patient are notified.

1. Identified As ‘No Current Indication Of OSA’
No further action required, discharged from Fit for Duty Program with the recommendation to re-test routinely. We recommend that you provide a copy of your outcome letter to your GP for their records.
2. Identified As Having More Complex Sleep Concerns
Recommended that they seek further investigation from an appropriate Private or Public Sleep Clinic. We recommend that you provide a copy of your outcome letter to your GP for their records.
We will advise you of the health network available. We will inform your Employer of the outcome of the health assessment as per the requirements under the Health & Safety Act. The patient is discharged from the Fit For Duty Program.
3. Identified As ‘Meeting The Criteria’ For A CPAP Trial
Recommended trial of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine for 1-4 weeks to establish tolerance, compliance, and air pressure required for long term CPAP treatment.
Our telehealth nurses will establish a CPAP trial set up. Weekly communication with our team is included in the CPAP trial stage. We also use modern technology to download data (Fisher & Paykel Healthcare InfoSmart) for compliance monitoring.
Once the patient has established to long term CPAP treatment they will be registered for our Compliance & Monitoring Program, which will provide visibility and confidence that the employee is adhering to treatment.
At the end of your CPAP trial, a letter will be provided by our Clinical team to you, however, we recommend that you provide a copy of your outcome letter to your GP for their records.
We will inform your Employer of the outcome of the CPAP trial as per the requirements under the Health & Safety Act.
Stage Three - For Those Who Need Longer CPAP Treatment
Fit For Duty offers a Compliance & Monitoring Program for all individuals who go on to long-term CPAP treatment. This Program includes a CPAP machine by prescription and is supported by daily compliance monitoring, which is reviewed by our Sleep Physiologist.
All patients receive personal advice and support from our clinical team.
Every endeavour is taken by our team to support individuals who participate in this program.
Those who engage our Fit For Duty Program will have ongoing support from us to ensure that the program becomes part of how you manage fatigue in your business.

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